I am a pretty firm believer in the fact that things are not just black and white. There is not always a clear cut right or wrong choice. Killing, lying, stealing are obviously clearly right or wrong choices. However what about who to date, where to go to college, where to serve. Everyday we are presented with choices that aren't clearly right or wrong. The term "gray areas" is familiar to all of us and this is where we generally apply this term. We see a huge section of our lives as a gray area.
This area of our life we get to use the discernment and critical thinking that God has installed in all of us. Calling the non distinct situations of life the gray area is something that I am processing in my life. Calling it the gray area puts so many limits on it. To combine the black and white (the right and wrong) into gray is to say that there are bad parts and good parts, not that it is just neutral. And when is anything every just neutral? Weren't we given colors? Why don't we use more than just black, white, and gray to distinguish the many paths of our lives.
So this is my color theory. We have been given the feelings of calm, passion, energy, fun, and they are the colors that will help us distinguish the choices in our lives. I want to go beyond a life of black and white or the confusion of living a life that is one big gray blob.
Many times in my life as I have been searching for the right decision to make I am drawn towards a certain choice because of its characteristics and what it will bring into my life. There are times that I have needed to add an element of fun in my life, the representation of fun in life is yellow. I had to see beyond the black and white, beyond the many options held within gray and find the yellow choice and that was the right choice for me.
Sometimes we might need to become passionate or are drawn towards the person, school, career that will spark our passion. Yet again sometimes we need to calm down. We have to not discern between black and white but between the passionate reds and the calming blues of life.
This is something that I am still developing my take on and processing its application to its fullest. What I do know is that life is hard, choices are not clear, and we are allowed to make these choicest for a reason. We are not puppets but are capable beings who are able to distinguish our needs and wants to best fit the life we desire. I don't want to spend my life walking down a gray road searching out the black and white paths that I might intersect with. I want to LIVE my life exploring the passion, fun, soothing, energizing journeys that my life's path intertwines with. I want to see the choices of reds, yellows, blues, and greens that all enrich my mundane gray life.
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