Philosophy, Theology, Food, Life.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How About Equality?

This is the other half of the blog I posted last night. This is my actual view of how separation of church and state should be handled by the church and what we should actually be fighting for. Maybe we should fight for the opportunity to love the lost?

So here I am not finding a fit with either strict integration or strict separation, searching for the appropriate response to Separation of Church and State as a Christian American. I cannot agree with enforcing religion or specific morals upon those who do not believe in Christ and I cannot agree with just shutting up, removing Christian morals completely letting people live in corrupted chaos. Yet I find myself bothered by saying I am going to be in the middle ground. I find myself grasping onto the idea of a response that fights for equality but am I fighting for nation that is luke-warm? My question for “equality” goes like this: Does equality promote luke-warm faith or does it promote meeting people where they are? As I have wrestled with this I really see it as a way to meet people where they are. Equality in my opinion allows 3 things: it puts away superior views of humanity, ends the fights for funding, and stops the degradation of secular people by Christians which promotes hatred of secular people aka hating the sinner and not the sin. Equality gives the freedom of practicing Christianity in a safe environment while practicing Christian love to those who need it most, the secular lost American. Equality gives the freedom to love and reach all not to the freedom to make all people Christian.  It allows the Christian American to live in Christ Culture first while still having a voice in American/secular culture.
                Separation of Church and State is no longer viewed as a protector of the Church so that the State cannot get involved in religious commitments and participation. It is now seen as the protector of the State from being financially involved in religious programs and education. By instating equality the State would be bound to equally give to non-profit and governmental agencies that are either Christ centered, use Christian therapies, or that proclaim the Gospel. It would also allow other religious non-profits and agencies to be financially helped, promoting the health and wellness of life.
                Educationally by instating equality we would be able to put the God back in the schools. If secular science and evolution is to be taught than so is Christian creation. Instead of imposing secular beliefs on students the curriculum could cover different beliefs on matters. It seems more appropriate to expose children and students to different belief systems while they are able to still live under their parents care rather than exposing them after they have been thrown out into the world. Whether the parents are secular or religious I would imagine them wanting to help their child through their beliefs system rather than let them decide on their own as they embark on adulthood.
                As far as the arena of politics I believe equality will allow the Christian to be involved without making it such a fight. Christianity needs to have a voice in the development of American principles and policies. It would be wrong to sit by apathetically allowing secular voices to be the only voice. However, it is also wrong to be so concerned with the policy that hatred of the opposition is seen over concern for the opposition. Equality allows for Christian agencies and non-profits to work at a greater capacity through additional governmental funding but it also allows those programs to be the tangibly loving side of a political opinion. The more people the church can reach in the fashion that Jesus did the less we will have to act like the Pharisees who were concerned with law over relationship. Equality promotes relationship over law, concern over extremes, and love over fights. To me this seems very fitting with Christ Culture.
                I really wish we could live in a perfect land where all mankind followed the same moral code and no wrong was done, but that is a thing of the future and eternity not the present. For the present we must recognize where people are, where we have been and love them through it all. We must stay present in the lives of the lost and not all together reject them. Strict integration rejects the lost soul while strict separation provides removes a voice of hope. We must find the middle ground and create change through equal relationships with all. If living in the culture of Christ means loving the lost then let us not forsake or disregard those lives but have a voice that shows love, compassion, mercy and the hope of eternal peace.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Strict Integration VS. Strict Separation

      Hey guys so I am working on my response to the Separation of Church and State research paper I just
 wrote. I have the first half done and would like some opinions. I am currently working on the second half
 which is the response that I believe the church should take. BUT I would really appreciate some feedback as I bring it all together and turn it in tomorrow. So PLEASE comment or fbook me your response.

       So much of the research that I have done ends with books calling for the strict integration of biblical standards in all Americans lives through Law. I have a serious problem with this. While we were a nation founded on Christian morals we were also a nation founded on freedom. When freedom and Christian morals are put up to each other freedom wins out. We cannot integrate beliefs into people’s lives when we put laws and regulations in place that allows freedom to ring. Now I do recognize that allowing “freedom to ring” for the founding fathers meant they could find freedom in practicing whichever view of Christian morality they saw fit. This view has changed severely with the change in the multitude of moralities available. Allowing “freedom to ring” now involves individuals to proclaim and live out whichever view of morality they see fit. Under this current view of freedom strictly integrating Christian morals into law projects the rejection of freedom.  While the freedoms that are allowing abortion, gay marriage and other sinful acts are against Christian morals they should not be viewed as persecution. They are simply the corrupted side of a good thing. Secular freedom is the flipside of Christian based freedom. Living in the fallen world there are corrupted sides to most everything. Until the laws are forcing people to sin or for people to act in hatred towards Christians they cannot be viewed as persecution. While life would be easier for the Christian individual if the nation was strictly integrated with Christian laws, is that living the Christian life?  Running away from legal persecution is not fulfilling the call of “going into all the world.” Sometimes going into all the world means staying where you are.
Strict integration also gives the nuance that Christians do not tolerate sinful people.  The issue with that statement is that a lot of the time it is true.  This creates the issue that implementing strict integration, which is the problem of Christians hating the sinful person and not the sinful act. Politics and the issue of separation of church and state is a very personal battle. Attacking the moral code of an individual or people group goes beyond legal formalities and straight to the heart. Attacking the person does not love the enemy. Loving the enemy looks like loving the person through their struggles and past. Thus strict integration goes against the freedoms that have been instituted and the call to love even our enemies.
If strict integration is not the appropriate response for the church than maybe we should just back off. Maybe we should remove our political voice. Is strict separation the answer? I really only have one problem with strict separation and it is this: you cannot separate your moral code from your political position. Politics is just the fleshing out of one’s moral code. The Law and its system for Israel was the means by which they functioned in the moral code God set before them. However one believes they should live is the code by which they vote. So in all actuality strict separation is just strict integration of secular morals and programming. Thus we cannot simply choose strict separation or else we are choosing to live under a secular moral code. While it is not right to forsake religious freedoms and enforce Christian code it is also not right to forsake the moral code by which we are called to live.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

When Sleep Seems Like A Dream

I have not blogged in a while because my fingers have been tired you see. It isn't that I haven't had anything to say but that I have had too much. But tonight I find myself restless to the point of insanity. I have been laying in bed for 42 minutes now trying to fall asleep. Too tired to start another paper to wound up to just stop so I have decided to write and try to understand myself. I do believe this might be an impossible task for one to understand herself but I also believe I have become an impossible girl.

I have been so restless. It is 11:16 and I feel like I could run 100 miles. I could run 100 miles but I don't have the energy for even one step. I would like a glass of milk right now but not even that is going to happen. I want to be finishing this word study on love but my love for learning has shut down. I want to read but I want to shut my eyes. I am living in a state of exhausted restlessness. What do I do with that? I am too tired to function and sleep seems like a dream. I want to be home, I want to be studying, I want to be in South Carolina, I want to be ministering to broken women and children, I want to be in class, I want to study, I want to create, I want to build, I want to write the book that God has laid on my heart, I want to scratch my sisters back, I want to watch NCIS with my dad, I want to talk to my mom, I want to process through the 11 different working thesis's I have in my mind, I want to talk to professors, I want to figure it all out. I want and I am exhausted.

Sleep seems like a silly concept to me but I yearn for it. My body is demanding sleep. Sweet precious sleep. Yet my mind is begging for one more hour. One more hour to question. One more hour to listen. One more hour to absorb God. One more hour to learn. One more hour of fighting off exhaustion. You see my mind knows that the 6 hours of sleep that my body of demanding isn't going to do much for me. My mind thinks that I will gain more from one more hour of thoughts than one hour of sleep. I think I agree with my mind but my body is making a pretty strong case. Honestly I would like for my body to win.

Like I said I am impossible. It is impossible for me to understand myself besides the fact that I understand that I am impossible. I pray God will use my impossibility to teach me and maybe others. So as I lie here in this exhausted restless tension I pray the prayer I pray every night. Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love for I have put my trust in you, show me the way I should go for to you I lift my soul.